Yes, I love trivial things in my computers as terminal appearance, desktop backgrounds (from time to time I look for wallpapers at and some programs as Rainmeter or Fences (on Windows)
See an example:
But now let’s see what tools I want to have installed in any computer I use for my daily work as Java EE developer, regardless the particular project.
As a side note, I alternate Operating Systems whenever I can. Windows is the prefered for most of the companies. I like Ubuntu and I love my Mac Book Pro, so I make the effort of using all of them. Besides, it allows me to test if my applications are really WORA.
- A Java IDE: Eclipse (Spring Tool Suite), NetBeans or IntelliJ IDEA. Now I’m trying all of them just for fun.
- Text editor: Sublime Text is my choice, but in Windows I used to love UltraEdit and I use a lot Notepad++.
- A web browser, mainly Chrome. I use Firefox a lot too, and from time to time, my beloved Opera. There’s also time for IE on Windows and Safari on OS X.
- A password manager: KeePass or 1Password on OS X.
- I love to use the terminal. On Windows I use Console 2.
- Java
- Spring Framework
- Maven
- Git. I love GitHub.
- YouTube. It provides me tutorials, music and some fun when I need a little rest.
I also have to mention Google and stackoverflow, nowadays I can’t imagine to work without them.
And what about application servers? Since I want to title the POST “10 tools…” they fall from the list. But to talk about a little bit of them, in each project I have to use the application server in which the application will be deployed, but I always use Tomcat for local tests. For anything beyond servlets and JSPs I use open source projects (ActiveMQ if I need JMS, for instance). There is always a targeted server in development environment, so I’ve never used GlassFish or TomEE, but I want to try WildFly.